BIAS 2022. Or how I couldn’t get to the 2022 airshow

BIAS – Bucharest International Airshow The first BIAS edition took place in 2010. Year after year, I would plan to go, but something always seemed to come up, and I would have to change my plans. Finally, in 2020, the stars aligned, and I could go. But it was not meant to be either. The […]

It all kicked off with the Zenit. Timisoara Airshow 2000

Timisoara Airshow 2000: first airshow as an aviation spotter In 1999, one year before the Timisoara Airshow 2000, I took the first photo of a plane during the 93rd Aviation Regiment Open Day. I used an orange mirrorless camera on film, made in China, as a photo camera. Why orange? I have no idea. Maybe […]